Chi Kung
Chi Kung 氣功 originates from Chinese to mean ‘cultivation of life energy’. It is an ancient Chinese method of healing the body and mind through breathing, meditation, movement exercises and standing postures. By regularly practicing the Chi Kung movements together with a deeper breathing, meridians are activated and blockages are removed, with help of visualization and mental focus you can enhance the circulation of your chi more. The lung capacity increases, the body becomes smoother and stronger and the life energy (Chi) gets the chance to flow freely through the body.
As a result you feel more peaceful, have better concentration, are more active and increases your alertness and concentration in your daily life stresses.
The following elements are covered during the Chi Kung lessons:
Ba Duan Jin 八段錦 (Eight Pieces of Brocade)
Zhan Zhuang 站桩 (Standing like a Tree)